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Deep Thoughts

Grocery Shopping

Food..a staple of life..the only way to get it is to go out to your nearest grocery store and purchase it...Now have you ever thought about just what it takes to get this done and do it right?? Personally, I HATE to grocery shop and I would love to PAY someone else to do it for me..but you do what you got to do and with kids..well you just have to feed them right???
Okay,,now I am a list maker so I make a grocery list and put everything down in the order of how the store is laid out. Then I look at all the local grocery store papers and decide which store has the better deals for what I am buying that week. Sometimes the deals are too good at both places so I make two seperate lists..Okay now I take out my coupon caddy and go through all the many coupons that I have so meticulously collected from every Sunday paper for eons..after disposing of the ones that have already expired on me I have maybe one or two that are still good and useable that week.. WoW!! I am actually going to save myself a whole 90 cents!!!
Anyways, I head on out to the store with grocery list and coupons and check book in hand. I usually pick the exact same day that all the senior citizens in town have also decided to do thier own shopping..Now mind you...these people ARE NOT in any hurry whatsoever...
So I dodge and dart down every aisle retrieving the items on my list and checking them off. Finally I am checkout bound..and I ALWAYS pick the slowest line there is and It is usually because someone wants a rain check on some item where they are going to save a whole dollar maybe...And as luck would have it, I am also in one long line of elderly women..You know the kind I mean. They wait until their items are totaled and bagged and ONLY THEN do they decide to open their purse, pull out their checkbook or wallet and proceed to slowly find their money or write out the check..OK now it is my turn. I practically throw the items up on the counter, have my checkbook opened and all filled out except for the amount. Finally I am checked out and the groceries have been bagged and I stroll on out to my vehicle and load them in and head for home.
NOW,,,have you ever thought about just how many times in this journey that you have handled your food purchases?? Think about it...first you take them off the shelves and put them into your cart, then you take them out of the cart and put them on the counter, then you lift the filled bags and put them back into your cart, then you lift the filled bags out of the cart and into your vehicle, then at home you take the filled bags out of your vehicle and set them down somewhere in your kitchen, then you empty the items out of the bags onto your counter and then finally the are put away and stored!!!! JEEEEEZZEEEEE!!!
Then to top it off, your kids come home, open the fridge and say "There is nothing to eat in this house!"

Posted on Oct 05, 2003 by hevnscent

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