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Deep Thoughts

This little light

Well do we all not live in the same world? Have you limited yourself to one faith, religion, and philosophy, etc? There are those that call themselves the Enlighten Ones, and then there are the ones who live in or seek out the darkness. One half immerses themselves with the teachings from The Orient (highly spiritual) and those from the Western Hemisphere (more logical). Still they say that GOD or at least little bit of GOD is in all (most) of us, then maybe the world as a whole would be a better representation of the Higher Being i.e. mind (logic), body (physical/ us), and soul(spiritual).

But before we go there....What are you?

Wherever you are born that is the theology/philosophy/religion which is also used to put you in the path to God/Enlightenment (or darkness) but most don't understand what the Higher Being is; thus they (and maybe the person reading this) are like lemmings being guided toward the same path as those which they think are enlighten/"above them."

One should look BEYOND one's feelings, reach out to others, to understand how they are feeling. And is it because that which lies BEYOND is the rarest of gifts!!?

It would be all so simple (less work for me) to simply state things in 1 or 2 words but is it truly for me, is it I who needs to understand? Where does one start?

Enlightenment- When are you enlightenment...when in essence one's body, mind, and soul/spirit become one. Becoming one with God is becoming master of body, mind, soul, emotions, karma, and destiny. A perfect instrument of the Great Plan and you EFFORTLESSLY contribute to the evolution of humanity and the whole towards Enlightenment.

I pose one question, is there a difference between being enlightened and going BEYOND and becoming the light. The closest to this would be pure consciousness. CONSCIOUSNESS itself being the seventh element, 7th Heaven, the SEVENTH CHAKRA/crown chakra of which the color is indigo violet! The Crown (7th) chakra is often pictured as a lotus flower opening to allow spiritual awakening in an individual. In logical/western world would that not correspond to Maslow's highest need?

The higher one transcends, toward the upper end of the spectrum one sees that there is only pure light. Light corresponds to immense/ INFINITE Wisdom synonymous with GOD. Visible light is where all colors together become white. But are their not lights of difference intensities as well? In the electromagnetic spectrum and beyond the white visible light aren't their higher energy forms... i.e. Ultra Violet, X-Rays, Gamma Rays?

A) X-Rays' high energy level and short wavelength allow this type of wave/light/energy to go right through a human being but not through bone (X-ray machine). It exposes what the mere human eyes can't!

B) Gamma Rays have very high energy and will even go through metals.

Likewise When one becomes enlightened and is combining/using many senses (not just the 5 traditional, nor the 7 which need further explanation, but an unknown and maybe infinite number) thus then they reach much higher spiritual/wisdom levels, the unexplainable higher functions that transcend normal human abilities are awaken: intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition- i.e. ESP, mind-reading, prophecy and many other abilities to know/see/sense beyond the limits of your senses. It is perhaps then that this why these higher spiritual energy levels can only be sensed/seen by Kirlian aura photographs.

The problem with light of this intensity is that the rest of the humans would not have the ability to see it as they look/search to find things with only their eyes but their eyes are limited to white light! People and especially most in the Western world (i.e western form of thinking) don't have these abilities because they use only their eyes and thus have conditioned themselves to use only their eyes! BY their very nature, children of the light (of God) to be one with God have to do GOD's work. Should there be or is their a limit to how bright one can shine? No, but one has to be able to decrease one's intensity to descend to the lower energy levels where the light is of the visible type so that other might be able to see it. When they see it and alternating then they don't, they will want to fix/focus their eyes there and search in that location as to why can this be. They will want to seek the Light. Then in doing so their lower/normal human abilities i.e. curiosity would propel them to train their senses to be used in the unconventional ways.

Where does one start to search for the light…where there is Light! Light is wisdom, so therefore seek wisdom. Where is this wisdom, in books especially those that men have taken extreme measures to preserve from the beginning of time when he first learned the wisdom of writing. Some of these books are probably not even found in any library. Some of these books and the sacred knowledge they possess are well guarded for you by God’s children or other books have be burned/hidden from you to keep you ignorant, oppress you by evil men! Some knowledge that which falls within the realm of the esoteric/forbidden/hidden/occult can be used for many purposes. By limiting this knowledge, Satan and servants use for evil. If people knew what this knowledge entailed they would be able to protect themselves from evil. But if a person has been tempted, deceived, or initiated into evil, with this knowledge this person would also be able to do even greater evil. People are like children and with a child’s mentality, they are seeking, immersing themselves in the lowest level of human existence which is in God purpose but by the Devil and for selfish evil purpose most are getting caught and unable to escape/transcend higher. Should God’s children grow up into adult/very conscious beings? With all this wisdom, would people be able to use in accordance to God’s will? Should the knowledge be entrusted into the Public domain for the all people? Would they value and preserve it for eternity so that others can benefit from it as well. Would some of these Adults not be tempted, turn evil, use it for evil. Eventually they themselves also hording this knowledge by hiding it and/or burning books to erase it from the public. Should the knowledge be written into this book for the Children of God. God’s children possess the spirit/wisdom and if this information would be encrypted, disperse through out this book, they who mature into men/women of God would be able to find it no matter how encrypted it is presented to them as it has been done for them in the past. This knowledge would be useless and maybe beyond their understanding if they don’t understand the purpose of God’s Will that which is disperse throughout the Bible.

---- *Key Note on the Bible: LIBRARY = librería (Spanish) = biblioteque (French) = library is a simply book reservoir. biblio (Fr) ~ Biblia which is the Spanish word for Bible. This is all true (revealed) because all comes from Latin which is the language having the power to reveal all that the Devil hates the most. The Bible = The Book! What book, The Book/Wisdom of: Life, of Creation, even of Death and thus the path to and of life thereafter, ascension (to ascend into heaven and re-enter paradise to be with GOD), Wisdom (Infinite Wisdom=God)!

The apple was the fruit/(s) from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; no one knew/had knowledge/understood what Good and Evil was and no one should have known except GOD!

The Bible= Book where an infinitesimally small portioned of the fruits of Knowledge (Wisdom/Understanding) of Good and Evil have been collected by men worthy of GOD love, and thus inspired by GOD/himself, have pieced back together/ permanently written into history for the salvation of man/(mankind). These men had some of the light/wisdom of God and thus have been the light (though not as bright as God) to show the path to everyone else!

Bible, The Book of Wisdom(/Light) = Book of God!

Going back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs too many are stuck and cannot pull themselves out from the lowest levels (bottom two) seeking to only focus on our lowest needs/desires (Level 1) thus developing addictions to sex (the flesh) or the drugs/alcohol that keeps at this level, and the things (Level 2) that brings personal safety/ security (accumulating excess material weatlh/ shopping/ watching sports / worldly comforts to extreme levels). God allows this to be enjoyed and we should enjoy this simple pleasures but he wants us to strive for the ultimatre paradise not dwell in extremes/accumulating excesss (avarice 1 of the 7 deadly sins). The great Machiavellian puppeteer/ father of lies better known of Satan manipulates our lowest needs/desires for his own selfish needs and those of his greedy servants... evil selfish men!

Honestly I am not a Bible nor religious fanatic, I see that the Bible has a special purpose but not the way it is currently being used by the church. Plus I don't rely on just the Bible for Wisdom, I also rely on the word of many other philosophers/phrophets/men of God and most importantly my own little cluster of brain cells. As for the Bible, I see it as a book of ultimate wisdom which allows me to think, expose lies, write exactly what I see as demonstrated above and ultimately set me free.

Many have heard the phrase The truth will set you free; what is the truth? It is wisdom and therefore just another word for GOD!

Posted on Jan 02, 2006 by AndreaNiky

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