Hi! My name is prince11. I'm 44 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am prince from dhaka,bangladesh.
i am a student of english [hon].
i like friendship.if you think so please try to mail me.... more
Hi! My name is gipsyrazib. I'm 43 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. i m razib. im 21 years old. im also student. depertment of bba in a private university of bangladesh. i like move, music, travel, shooping etc ... more
Hi! My name is rouhan. I'm 44 years old and from Sylhet, Bangladesh. im a good boy , i dont smoke,
i like dance, i like party,
i like play, & i like song.... more
Hi! My name is Ananta16. I'm 48 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am 6'2" tall, working for a very reputed company and currently residing in CTG but will be back to DHK very soon.... more
Hi! My name is Rimon. I'm 49 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. i'm 26 years old male from Dhaka, Bangladesh. if you want to make any relationship with me then you are cordially welcome to my world and don't hesitate to contact with me. Waiting for your choice...... more
Hi! My name is lion2000. I'm 52 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. i m a 29 years old boy.
i love to enjoy life.
i like semple way to live a life.
i m very cool man.i m hard laber.
im prity much helthey.
my body is medium&i am 5'4"tall.... more
Hi! My name is ratangunguly. I'm 49 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. i am a programmer & eng.
i am unmarried person & young
my hobby istravel hoby & wine,smoke... more
Hi! My name is jmahi. I'm 51 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. my name is mahi from banglaesh.
i am some thing like other mail me than i tell you.... more
Hi! My name is publichealthmanagersa. I'm 54 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I'm a Public Health Physician Manager, working to promote Child & Mother Health in Bangladesh, being served in an Irish organization with a project supported by USAID, Washington.... more
Hi! My name is cnijhok. I'm 52 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am 30 years old male from bangladesh. I am graduated from trinity cllege,USA. I speak english, bengali, hindi and russian. ... more
Hi! My name is Lost_Love. I'm 60 years old and from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am a computer professional, doing business of computer for long time. Actually I am looking for a woman to build up a nice but sincere friendship for long time.... more